Your purchase or use of this Application implies that you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to any of the conditions below, do not download / continue the usage of this Application.
The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any part of this Agreement in future. Your continued use of this Application or the Services after the posting of revisions to this Agreement will constitute your acceptance of such revisions.
1. Proprietary Rights
As a user of the Application or a user registered to use any of the Services (a "Registered User"), you agree to the following:
This Company is the sole owner of this Application. You do not own/claim any rights or ownership over any part of the Application. Any fee if paid by You prior to your usage of this Application is only to grant access or use the application and its services.
You are not eligible / allowed to reverse engineer, hack, and make illegal copies of the Application. Any act by you of the above mentioned types is a violation of the agreement and renders you in-eligible to use the Application.
2. Data Protection
This application does not encrypt the data in it. The Company is not responsible for any data theft/data loss that might occur due to the usage of the application in any way.